Frequently Asked Questions
How can I financially contribute to the H and I literature fund?
To submit contributions in person, drop them off at the Monthly Meeting at the table that says, “H&I CONTRIBUTIONS.” Checks or Money Orders are preferred as they require no counting or receipts (unless required). You can drop off you meeting’s H&I contribution until 8:45pm.
To submit contributions via mail, send check or money order to our mailbox: LAHIC 5482 WILSHIRE BLVD #220, LOS ANGELES, CA 90036. This location will not allow in-person contributions. Please do not send cash.
How can I financially contribute to the H and I General Service fund?
To submit contributions in person, drop them off at the Monthly Meeting at the table that says, “H&I CONTRIBUTIONS.” Checks or Money Orders are preferred as they require no counting or receipts (unless required). You can drop off you meeting’s H&I contribution until 8:45pm.
To submit contributions via mail, send check or money order to our mailbox: LAHIC 5482 WILSHIRE BLVD #220, LOS ANGELES, CA 90036. This location will not allow in-person contributions. Please do not send cash.
Is H&I back in-person during COVID-19?
Yes! The H&I Monthly Meeting is back in-person and most panels are opening back up. If you would like to sign up to speak on an H&I panel, please attend the Monthly Meeting and come early for Orientation if you haven’t already. Please check back on our COVID Updates page to see what’s new.
How can I sign up to speak on a panel?
If you would like to sign up to speak on a H&I digital panel click here. If you’d like to speak at an in-person panel click here.
Do I need clearance to speak on a jail panel?
To obtain and continue involvement with jail panels, members must have one year of continuous sobriety, and five years abstinence from drugs. Members must complete a background check and attend an orientation meeting by the Sheriff’s Department. Members must also have at least six months participation at LAHIC, and be willing to speak or lead at least one jail panel per month. To get started on obtaining clearance, attend the next LAHIC orientation and Monthly Meeting.
How much time sober do I need to speak on a panel?
To speak on a hospital or detox panel it is recommended you have 6 months of sobriety. Psych-ward’s require one year and Jail requirements are even more stringent, you must have one year off alcohol and five years off drugs.
What is the agenda for the Monthly Meeting?
The orientation meeting is from 7:00-7:30pm. There will be an announcement over the PA system when the main meeting is about to start. The Monthly Meeting is from 7:30-8:30pm and includes updates from the LAHIC, a 5-minute speaker, a break for panel sign-ups, and a raffle drawing.
How do I become a panel leader?
If you would like to take a monthly commitment bringing a panel into a hospital or institution, please speak with an Area Supervisor at the monthly meeting.
Where can I get updates on what’s happening in H&I if I miss the Monthly Meeting?
For the latest H&I information, sign up for the monthly e-Newsletter at the bottom of this page. You can also view old newsletters on our website here. Copies of the current H&I newsletter are located next to the sign-in table at the Monthly Meeting.
Where can I pick up literature?
H&I literature is available ONLY to panel leaders. Panel leaders are verified by the Area Supervisors each month. Confirmed panel leaders can pick up literature for their panels at the literature table before the Monthly Meeting, and during the break. Literature is distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Please only take what you need for your panel.